Friday, January 9

Coming on the Clouds Part Deux

Hi friends,

I have not written a thing over on the old blogspot for months now. I just started to feel like I was posting meaningless stuff that served no one but my own vanity. At times I had nothing to say, only wanted to be seen I suppose. And so, I stopped.

But, my hope has always been that I can share a little bit of truth from the joys and sorrows of my own life and that in those mere glimpses of life, that I might be able to provide someone, anyone, with either hope or just an ever-needed sense of commonality. Nothing about my life is so glamorous that I need to share daily snippets with you all. But, I have a life given to me by Christ, and in that I am ever changing from a dirty, rusty, old, jagged, tarnished, clanging piece of metal into a shiny, lovely piece of silver. For the Lord tests us so that we are refined like silver (Psalm 66:10).

So then, back to my hope…that through these words and life experiences, you will look deep into the “silver” and see only the face of Christ. May He beckon you always.


  1. ...and i get to marry this fine piece of 'almost' silver.

  2. correction: 'almost refined' silver. She is already more silver than James Avery.

  3. Courtney, your words echo my heart. I love you much.

  4. Courtney...I LOVE it, thanks for sharing and I can't wait for more of Christ. Love you friend.
